Thursday, May 27, 2010

Excuse me while I kiss the sky

Oh Orson Welles, I can only hope to someday match your talent and girth

You ever drink so much coffee that you think maybe you're having a heart attack, or an acid trip, or a REALLY bad day? You're speeding along in your mind, making careful note of every minor slight and irritation that crosses your path. You tell your spouse, or significant other, or coworker that you really can't work with all these interruptions when they deign to LOOK at you. And it's not until the next day, or maybe after your first glass of petite syrah, that you realize, WHOOPSIE TOOTSIE, I drank too many soy latte's this afternoon and now I'm crazier than McMurphy.

No? Just me?

Lots of progress on the Lady Gaga video. I've got 3 minutes and 4 seconds edited. I can't believe how obsessive and particular the editing process is. A good friend of our Lady Gaga is a professional editor. She was kind enough to come over today and spend a few hours showing me some tricks, and helping me shape the video. So amazing the things she was able to pick out to shift around, to make it so much better, so quickly. Have I mentioned that besides our VERY supportive husbands, this whole thing has been girl powered, start to finish? Yup. Four moms, one twenty something hipster, and a partridge in a pear tree. I know women, who know how to do all kinds of amazing stuff. And they are usually doing it with a kid on their hip. My girlfriends kick ass. My primary evidence will be when you see what they were willing to do for this video. I'm pretty shameless, but these ladies are graceful, and dignified, and wise, and all I can say is, they must love me.

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